July 2024

Plan Municipal de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos del cantón de Cañas, Guanacaste

Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan for the Municipality of Cañas, Guanacaste

For about the past six months, Geolupa has worked closely with the Municipality of Cañas, Guanacaste, the environmental department of the Municipality led by Engineer Katherine Obando Madriz and Cañas’ local Environmental Committee. The purpose of this effort was to share knowledge and experiences to develop a work plan aimed to define specific actions that

Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan for the Municipality of Cañas, Guanacaste Read More »

udios Técnicos Integrales en Asociaciones Administradoras de Sistemas de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Comunales (ASADAS)

Integral Technics Studies in Water Supply and Sewerage Associations (ASADAS)

Technical studies are a key tool that allows ASADAS (Water Supply and Sewerage Associations) to understand the technical situation of their drinking water supply system and identify improvements that can be implemented for better operation.  ASADAS such as Dominicas in Jicaral, Cabuya in Cóbano, Pueblo Nuevo in Jicaral, Cebadilla in Abangares, San Luis de Monteverde,

Integral Technics Studies in Water Supply and Sewerage Associations (ASADAS) Read More »

Plan Municipal de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos contemplando Residuos Marinos y Costeros del cantón de Golfito

Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan including Marine and Coastal  Waste for the Municipality of Golfito

The citizens of Golfito, public institutions, representatives of indigenous territories, NGOs, and Geolupa worked together in their respective roles and areas of expertise to develop the Solid Waste Management Plan, which will be one of the first to include Marine and Coastal Waste in the country.

Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan including Marine and Coastal  Waste for the Municipality of Golfito Read More »

Estudio de Generación y Composición de Residuos Sólidos del cantón de San Rafael de Heredia y Estudio Geotécnico

Waste Composition and Generation Study in the Municipality of San Rafael and a Geotechnic Study

The Municipality of San Rafael hired Geolupa’s services in their effort to continue improving waste management. This included the characterization study that allowed them to update their information repositories and develop more effective waste management strategies that will benefit all their residents.  Additionally, we conducted a Geotechnical study, a topographic survey, and gas sampling to

Waste Composition and Generation Study in the Municipality of San Rafael and a Geotechnic Study Read More »

Estudio de Generación y Composición de Residuos Sólidos del cantón de Garabito y Procedimiento administrativo Sancionatorio

Waste Composition and Generation Study in the Municipality of Garabito and the Administrative Sanction Procedure

We also had the opportunity to work with the Garabito Municipality in a very successful project.  We trained the Local Government’ Environmental Services Department on the methodology to conduct research projects on Waste Composition and Generation Studies.  One of our key deliverables was a step-by-step guide that the municipality’s employees could use, to appropriately apply

Waste Composition and Generation Study in the Municipality of Garabito and the Administrative Sanction Procedure Read More »

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