
The Engineering Department was created with the purpose of offering integral solutions that allow our clients to make their dreams come true. We work with transparency and the best quality standards, always relying on the approval and support of the main government institutions related to engineering in Costa Rica.

Design and construction

  • Soil studies

  • Earthworks

  • Preliminary studies: Analysis on activities, works or projects ideas.

  • Draft projects: Graphic conceptualization of the client's idea.

  • Design, plans and technical specifications.

  • Paperwork: CFIA and Municipality

  • Inspections, management, and administration of construction works.

  • Budget preparation

  • Appraisals: Land, basic constructions, and condominiums.

  • Construction and/or remodeling

  • Electrical visas

Hydrology and hydraulics

  • Water concessions

  • Pumping system

  • Flood control

  • Retention ponds

  • Analysis of rivers and/or streams

  • Hydrological studies

  • Hydrogeological studies

  • Drainage permits

  • Technical reports for consulting services (due diligence).

  • Operational reports and wastewater treatment plants

  • Infiltration tests

  • Feasibility studies for water availability.

  • Design of potable water, sewage, and stormwater systems.

  • Design of adduction lines using pumping and gravity equipment.

  • Consulting for operation, optimization, and management of drinking water systems.

Asadas and water supplies

  • Integral Technical Studies in ASADAS

  • Water Safety Plans

  • Hydraulic Modeling

  • Water Balance

  • Calculation of Unaccounted-for water percentages

  • Geographic and topographic surveys

  • Processing of branch line extensions requested by AyA

  • User georeferencing and statistical and spatial analysis of consumption.

  • Pumping tests


  • Elaboration of cadastre plans

  • Sketch elaboration in properties for segregation.

  • Marking of constructive axis

  • Cadastral surveys

  • Contour lines

  • Track marking

  • Volume calculation

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